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Peru Harvest Update - Origin 3 of 3

Writer's picture: ElevaFincaElevaFinca

We are excited to bring you the final installment of our three-part series, providing insights into the current happenings at the origins we proudly work with. This week, we dive into the captivating world of Peruvian coffee.

Peruvian landscape of the district of Tabaconas. There are cows in the distance.

1. Harvest Status

  • Low Zone (900-1400 masl): The anticipation is building as plots in this zone gear up for the upcoming harvest, set to kick off in mid-February 2024.

  • Middle Zone (1400-1650 masl): Green grains in growth set the stage for the first harvest expected in May 2024.

  • High Zone (1650-2000+ masl): June to December 2024 marks the estimated harvest period for plots in this zone, with grains still in a milky state.

Production Update: The high zone is shining this year, achieving the highest production. However, the low and middle zones are facing a 20% reduction due to intensified yellow rust attacks.

Peruvian landscape of the district of Tabaconas.Field technicians are waking down the path of the mountain.

2. Coffee Quality

  • Low Zone: Despite a 1% coffee berry borer attack, called “broca” in Spanish, coffee quality remains good.

  • Middle and High Zones: High-quality coffee prevails, with no significant coffee berry borer attacks. Producers' positive awareness of fertilization plays a vital role in maintaining fruit quality and overall coffee excellence.

Fray Donal Guerrero Garcia, a dedicated coffee producer overseeing two hectares of coffee cultivation in the enchanting district of Tabaconas. A dedicated member of the Cedros cooperative.
Fray Donal Guerrero Garcia, a dedicated coffee producer overseeing two hectares of coffee cultivation in the enchanting district of Tabaconas. A dedicated member of the Cedros cooperative.

3. What is Being Worked On

Technical Assistance: Our dedicated team from Café Selva Norte is actively providing personalized and group technical assistance. Topics include pest and disease control, coffee fertilization, harvesting and post-harvesting, cultural tasks, fertilization plans, and the implementation of Agroforestry Systems (SAF) for sustainable soil use.

Reforestation Project: We are committed to transforming coffee plots into sustainable agroforestry systems, enhancing the overall quality of Peruvian coffee.

Mario Guerrero Aguirre, a dedicated member of the Cedros cooperative. He his standing in his coffee farm located in Jaen Peru
Mario Guerrero Aguirre, a dedicated member of the Cedros cooperative.

4. Climate:

  • Low and Middle Zones: The prolonged summer in 2023 impacted flowering, resulting in an expected decrease in production.

  • High Zones: Excessive rainfall, common in this region, can be detrimental when prolonged, leading to increased pest attacks and impacting overall production.

As we conclude this series, we express our gratitude for your continued support. ElevaFinca remains committed to fostering sustainable practices, quality coffee, and the well-being of our global coffee community.

Our latest coffee offer is constantly updated here



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