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  • Writer's pictureJon Ferguson

What Did We Learn From The Historical Challenges Of 2021?

Updated: Jan 21, 2022

As we enter the new year, the ElevaFinca team reflects on the activities and enormous challenges the supply chain confronted over the course of 2021. We all experienced a rising market, a continuation of the global Covid-19 pandemic, along with historical shipping challenges disrupting expected delivery months. Yet, while facing all of these challenges, the Elevafinca team remained focused and determined to successfully deliver their best work with the alliance of cooperatives in Peru.

It has truly been a challenging year. As a result, we have strengthened our strategies across the board, forming a stronger, more experienced organization. We are proud of all the suppliers and partners behind the scenes who faced these historical challenges with us and helped to deliver, respond, and find solutions for our suppliers and clients.

Some of the most memorable challenges began with the launching of Café Selva Norte Dry mill in Jaen. Beginning in September of 2021, we started the first processing tests with the organizations in our alliance. The first successful venture was to calibrate the Cimbria machinery and was quickly open to the public by October. This was due to the dedicated staff in Jaen.

One of the core missions for ElevaFinca is to focus on continuous improvements within the dry milling process. For 2022, we will continue operating at 100% with plans to expand our processing capabilities with the purchase of additional milling equipment, doubling our capacity and improving delivery times.

It was a positive year in terms of relationships with producers. We were able to integrate three new organizations into our investment projects, resulting in the current total of ten partner organizations in Peru and one in Colombia. Additionally, ElevaFinca is in the process of onboarding ten more organizations that are dedicated to integrating our projects with which will help maintain and improve the optimal commercial operations at the CSN Dry Mill.

This growing network of organizations allows us to offer a wider variety of coffee qualities and certifications. In some cases, this diversity has helped overcome shipping inconveniences, where partnerships are able to replace shipments that some organizations were unable to comply with. This has helped alleviate many of the importation issues, without putting at risk the fulfillment of our contractual commitments.

Thanks to the support of each of the roasters and importers, we have been able to support our sustainable projects, increasing year after year the amount of reforested areas covered in healthy and productive coffee agroforestry systems.

From all of us at ElevaFinca, we thank the suppliers, clients, and people throughout the supply chain for all the hard work and determination shown throughout these unique times.

Our latest coffee offer is constantly updated here


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